Originally Posted by val-holla-ing
affirmative action sure does sound outdated....but so does institutionalized racism, which is never going out of style...anywhere as long as that's the case, something's needed to balance it all out.
i hate the thought of possibly getting a job over a white guy of equal credibility simply because i'm black. i think the situation rises where a decision must be made, put it to a dance contest, that way i wouldn't feel as bad about getting the job.
Yeah, homie. Can we be buddies? I need some street kudos from my friends in the Conservative club.
I agree with the bit where Clone pointed out that all ethnicities other than white, northern-European are a homogenous mass with the same intentions and characteristics. I also agree with !@#$% and val-holla-ing and sillylongnamerhetoricnonsensechap because, by proxy, as a white person I am not allowed to disagree with ethnics. Should any other ethnicities care to pipe up - I don't mind if you want make one up: Irish, Welsh, Belgian, whatever - I shall agree with them too.
I wrote a very long and vitriolic response to this last night that I deleted; suffice it so say Mr 'White-supremacist' Clone represented my position far better.