Recently I listened to a bunch of aalbums (mostly italian bands) that had great music but bad/not good enough/annoyingly recorded vocals.
Then, earlier this week, I listened to Cannibal Ox "The COld Vein" and then to "Cannibal Oxstrumentals" and I thought : hell, they should release a 2 cd package for every record, one with vocals one with instrumentals.
YEAHHH! who's with me on this???
high five!
no, seriously, I think that would result in a really interesting listening on many occasions. Like, NYG & F, to stay in the SY field.
I know that in many cases vocals are as important as the music (if not more), but that would be interesting nonetheless. In my humble opinion.
the poll is quite pointless actually, just share your opinions on the subject.
11:11 11-11-11 I Ascended.