Maverick Records, 1997
1. "
My Own Summer (Shove It)" – 3:35
2. "Lhabia" – 4:11
3. "Mascara" – 3:45
4. "Around the Fur" – 3:31
5. "Rickets" – 2:42
6. "
Be Quiet and Drive (Far Away)" – 5:08
7. "Lotion" – 3:57
8. "Dai The Flu" – 4:36
9. "Headup" – 5:12
10."MX" – 37:18
This will either be the point when people stop taking these threads seriously or start thinking I really know what I'm talking about, but I don't really care either way: anybody with ears will realize that this is indeed a classic album. Forget any preconceptions about this band; their "radio hits" or their connections with other, shitty bands. Just open your ears and listen.
Quite frankly, this album has always haunted me since I first got it in 7th grade. Yes, 7th grade, meaning it was one of the first albums I ever got and I've had it .. god .. 7 or 8 years now. I'm not trying to let nostalgia get in the way, because I just listened to this agian yesterday.. and though I hear the album differently than I did 8 years ago, I still hear it as a masterpiece. I originally got it because I was into KoRn (shut up, I was like TWELVE!!!!!! My internet friend JT Martin got me into them) and Chino was on 'Wicked' so I decided to give the new Deftones album a try. I dug it then, and I still dig it!
Basically, what Deftones do is combine intelligent song structure, interesting production, huge guitar walls (almost shoegazey at times), yearning melodies, subtle ambience, and amazingly ambidextrious drumming to create a sound similiar to My Bloody Valentine deciding to form some kind of weird metal band. And indeed, the Deftones have always been kind of... weird... in the scope of "metal". Listen to the second song on this, "Lhabia", bizarre drumming/guitar riffing gives way to vocals that sound like a microphone being chewed up by mosquitos and -- without losing a step -- gives way to a powerful melodic chorus. Meanwhile, "Be Quiet and Drive (Far Away)" is one of the best songs ever made, powerfully emotive, lyrically poignant though vague, and full of tons of textured guitar sounds that only your dog could hear all of: a perfect Deftones song.
Anyway, basically what you have here is so-called "Heavy metal" that isn't very heavy or very metal. And if you don't like the songs (how could you not?), you could at least love the weird lyrics. And say what you will, but I think this is one of those bands like the Pixies and the Misfits who seem to bridge cultural gaps.. "indie" kids, "punk" kids, "metal" kids, whatever reserve a special place in their hearts for these types of bands because it's a unifyingly good sound. So, I hope the people on the Sonic Youth board aren't too snobby to admit that this album's fucking great.
"White Pony" is also really good, but I prefer this one.