Originally Posted by The Usher
I love BPB, been collecting his stuff for a while, anyway I can recommend:
Bonnie "Prince" Billy Ease Down The Road - The latest and very good
Bonnie "Prince" Billy Greatest Palace Music - For 'No More Workhorse Blue's 'alone, truely special!
Bonnie "Prince" Billy The Letting Go
Palace Music Viva Last Blues
Palace Brothers There Is No-One What Will Take Care Of You
Anyway, it's all good!
there have been a few since 'ease down the road' . . . i think 'the letting go' is the newest, but 'master and everyone' aswell . .. which is just beautiful. there's some collab. stuff too like with tortoise doing covers . . . .
but my favourites are definately 'darkness' 'ease' and 'm&e' . . . that's just the bonnie prince billy stuff . . . don't even get me started on the rest!