Originally Posted by el duderino
lumped in with that whole post grunge 96-97 period just before nu-metal exploded, where you had bands like Tripping Daisy
although they might not have been internationally promoted very well, Tripping Daisy were pretty big locally in Dallas since about '93. I couldn't call them post grunge, because it was pretty much in full swing when they started.
hell, some of their best performances were when they played Mudhoney covers at keg parties before they were even Tripping Daisy. haha
on topic: I really liked high/low. to me, it sounded more like the Pixies than anything else (just my opinion), but I don't have anything else by them.
I saw them open up for Sparklehorse last August and they were kind of boring, although it might have just been because it was ACL week.