The following is
my opinion. I don't claim to speak on behalf of the forum.
1. Contre le Sexisme.
Not at all necessary. If it were under two minutes then
maybe but it's just one of many "songs" that keep this album inconsistent.
2. Sunday.
Not only is this song accessible to those that have never heard SY, it's one that doesn't disappoint the hard-core fans. A great attempt at gaining a new audience and a vehicle to show off their reinvention.
3. Female Mechanic on Duty.
Another addition to the inconsistent tracks on the album. It has it's moments but they are few.
4. Wild Flower Soul.
My favorite track on the album. The contrast between the verses and the noise fit perfectly, especially the intro into the first verse. My only nit-pick would be how it fades out in the end. It feels like a cop-out.
5. Hoarfrost.
Short and sweet. Lee wastes no time getting to the point of this song and paints a beautiful, vivid picture.
6. French Tickler.
A nice, relaxed tune. The music and the lyrics mesh well together, even though it was originally an instrumental. This is probably Kim's best song on the album, but that's not saying much.
7. Hits of Sunshine.
This doesn't sound like SY, but I love their take on psychedelia. Another highlight.
8. Karen Koltrane.
My second favorite of the album. It's long, but it deserves every second. Each new phrase segues perfectly with the previous. Classic (does 10 years qualify as classic?) post-Goo Lee.
9. The Ineffable Me.
I prefer the Kim-less SYR2 version. The lyrics are clever but the delivery...ouch.
10. Snare, Girl.
Another laid-back song, I would have to say this one is average. Thank God Thurston took on the vocals.
11. Heather Angel.
I'll agree with the OP on this: it sounds more like an idea than a complete song.
In summary, if you haven't deduced my opinion of the album as a whole, it's inconsistent. It contains some of SY's best tracks but also some of their most embarrassing (I'm looking at you Kim, even though I love you
