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Old 08.22.2007, 01:55 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by Bertrand
It is.
I'll be in Paris earlier, probably in some of the following places :

Today Boarding Gate was released. Critics aren't particularly happy with Assayas' latest picture. A magazine whose editors always supported him wrote that the French part of the film (Argento-Madsen) was boring and that Madsen seemed to feel out of place, but that the international part was more than good (adding the rest of the cast being fine, including Alex Descas and Kim Gordon).

In France, pictures are released every wednesday, so the film might be retrieved of some of the following venues : 0&version=0

The cinema in Les Halles is easy to find once you leave the métro/tube/subway : cross the big square underground place, walk straight ahead, til you reach escalators; you'll find a swimming pool and the cinema on the left.
In les Halles, there's also a big record store, called la FNAC. Go back to the big square, walk straight ahead, push the door that reveals that there's a sky above your head, keep walking, push the door, and it's right there on your right. But there ain't much if you're not happy with the majors.

The cinema at the Bastille is there : ix=0&poiy=0&poi_rr=0.5&poi_rx=0.6&poi_ry=0.5&csl=p oi&fsl=m2&gsl=m2&msl=m2&temp_no_prop=0&comment=&xs l=plan&out=2&lr=0.5&wcm2=&nom2=&tcm2=&a10m2=&xm2=& ym2=&wnm2=4+boulevard+beaumarchais&tnm2=paris&pcm2 =&scm2=&ccm2=250&com2=EU&x=0&y=0
And it ain't so far to a few record stores.
Two are in la rue Keller (take rue de la Roquette to go there, it's gonna be on the right); one is experimental-oriented but I don't go there that much, it's the first on the left; the other, farther up on the right, is dedicated to surf and garage rock, and it's called Born Bad.
If you carry on walking, once you reach the end of the street, you might as well turn right and quickly cross the road to enter the second dead-end street you see. On the left, at the end of that street (it ain't a dead-end one, it turns abruptly), is another shop. It doesn't look like a regular shop (no big window, just a couple records behing bars, and there's no name on the door).
Once there, you'll find noise-related stuff; from Boris to SunnO))) to Les Rallizes Denudes to Sonic Youth offsprings Text of Light and many more bands I've seen being quoted on this board but still don't know much about. hvr8v9XWdYMiP/s+ME7zrEdcbTad7/ioXpr2myp+YO5dNiNMaMutx5cEw2GJIjlquvxVE12py3++WFye RtZXSDJJYGnmS6egb/GpVxUdca/RblPwsFy5aOkSQr1x/w0YzMLwC&fullScreen=true&
Beware ! They can't accept credit cards. Make sure you have cash or go to the closest cash machines (avenue Ledru-Rollin).
This place was mentioned by someone else on the old board. Can't remember who, but that was a good call if you're into adventurous music.

The cinema in the Odéon is close to the last shop, called Gibert Joseph.
There : +ec2pc0bMxFMxecnU9zJTEQRoIsyRkU++0X/X7yWWimvouMn4WJwJ4pTAeD/cqeAJGt2NJmNCIAexuVh+OX8/s1MHz13or0SsMjZzlcpu9Fca2L7ZiML5Cab5GVFyEhDSyH6AKV EWDDMnNkw%3D&fullScreen=true&
(Use the up arrow to spot the Odéon Metro station by the cinema).
They have many things, but are not as keen on the noise bit as the former shop; still, you'll find Jackie-O and No Neck records more easily there, as there are fewer fans coming to the place.
Note : many records are second-hand, so chances are you can find Fall, Ramones, Sonic Youth records for a bargain.

See you !

this is fecking handy info. thanks!

see yas in a week time. we need to set up meeting time and stuff, don't you think? or mobiles :-(? I mean we should have at least one pint before the gig (ok, ok limonade) together - boardies.
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