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Old 08.17.2007, 11:55 AM   #7
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Glice

It is quite disturbing how some of the posters round here make me feel like 'youth culture' is a distant world from me when, in fact, I'm only 25.

So I suppose this thread is an appeal to the genuinely old posters (I'm looking in your direction, Messrs L and 'racist' Marras) as to how one deals with this without becoming a belligerent old twat whinging about how young people don't understand things properly (I'm sure I don't have to name names there).

To answer your question more in detail, if you are one of those young people who are ultra self-conscious of being young while you are growing up, you are most certainly bound to have problems when the age on your passport doesn't show that you are in your 20's anymore. I have a real problem relating to two sets of people here, and there's plenty of proof that both types exist:

1- Ageing musician/listener who starts whinging about this and that and directs their bitterness at the young and fresh, regularly culminating in the reminisce of how better things were or how there is not QUALITY anymore. Said person was too often pretty uninteresting even at a young age, but they still attach themselves to memories that were, perhaps, more often just average or below that level.

2 - Self-conscious young person who gets into this and that because that's what a young person is meant to do, but ultimately enjoys little of it, and regularly defends himself/herself for continuous crapness with the excuse that 'I'm young!'. This type gets on my tits only when this continuous reminding older people that they are young is just an excuse for shortcomings, but said shortcomings are presented with unmitigated arrogance.

So, in a way, I feel like I've always shaped my own cultural landscape, and nothing old or new particularly affects the way I might approach a record that is made by youngsters who feel like a 2 years period of time in music is meant to be a long while.