I don't like:Neil Young (just sounds like The Eagals to me, fake summer of love bullshit, perfect for jock keg parties. The fact that he did the soundtrack is the reson that "Dead Man" is the only Jarmush movie I have'nt sean) , The Pixies (over rated), The Smashing
Pumpkins (radio ready lowest common denominator heavy rock with unforgivably stupid lyrics), Pavement (why not just listen to Sonic Youth?), The Rolling Stones ("The Droning Bores" and don't tell me about "Exile on Main Street", I'm bored already), The Beatles (OK, they're not that bad, it just erks me that the same people who make fun of Elvis's soundtracks give crap like "Octpus's Garden" or wine and cheese muzak like "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" a free pass), The Strokes (why not just listen to Tom Petty? Remember when The Strokes were going to "save Rock & Roll"? Emperor's new clothes anyone?), Led Zeppelin (so overplayed it's not funny. More idiotic lyrics.), (on the other hand, I love Black Sabbath. What's the matter with me?) Is it just me, or is CAN the only "Krautrock" band worth listing to? The White Stripes (I was over the whole "two person Punk Rock Jug Band" thing after hearing The Revelators, Bantam Rooster, The Bassholes, The Workdogs, Deja Voodoo, and etc. The Flat Duo Jets were the best, and The W.S. don't mesure up. Led Zep references don't help their case either), Radiohead (started out as a 5th rate brit version of "grunge", now sound like a 5th rate Tortoise), "Grunge" (more Emperor's new clothes. Grunge is sloppy heavy metal; what's so great?), Black Metal (news flash-it sounds terrible. But I love Death Metal-that sounds goood.), screemo/emo (sample lyric-"Like, mom and dad totally don't understand me!!!! AUGGGGG!!!!" music for people who got milk spit in their lunchboxes when they were kids-grow up.) (when I was younger, people called bands like Rites Of Spring "emo"; but R.O.S. was a GOOD band. What happend?) Bands like Rancid (They are to The Clash as the remake of Psycho is to the original; a dumbed down version for idiots to enjoy), The Doors (for the life of me, I can't see the attraction of this band. "Ride the snake to the lake" Duhhh, that's poetry! Most over rated lyric writing ever. roller rink/ "kitten on the keys"/bossa nova keybord lines don't help.) I like the Velvet Underground, but people always say "they influnced thousands of bands". Yeah, too bad they all suck. Of cource I hate myself most of all; pompus, grumpy record collector know-it-all; and you too, dumbass internet geek! OK, Just kidding about the last part. Great thread, by the way!