that guy is pretty miss-informed.
1) i'd like to know when did guns n' roses reunited
2) it's bad that the eagles reunited for money but it's ok for the sex pistols just because they admitted it?
3) sure, they stopped the doors (by the way, they always billed themselves as "the doors of the 21st century, that's not false advertisement, is it?) eventually, after about 3 years of world touring and millions of dollars earned.
4) black sabbath shouldn't have changed their name to heaven and hell as it is a black sabbath reunion, dio replaced ozzy in the early 80's, he was an official member of the band.
5) by most witness account, black flag's reunion was the worse "sham reunion" ever.
6) the fall never had a constant lineup and never stopped playing, how is that a reunion?
7) same with ubu.