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Old 07.29.2007, 06:46 AM   #19
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by atsonicpark
True, but he's the one calling me an idiot just cuz I said "ew."

And note that I'm an idiot, though the EP is called "Is Is" and he has called it "Isss" and "Isis" on this thread. Go ahead and reply "YEAH CUZ SPELLING ERRORS ARE SO IMPORTANT YOU'VE MADE SPELLING ERRORS BLAH BLAH BLAH' or something. I'm just saying. Pot kettle black and all that shit.

Shut up, will ya? The day I take offence by what you post is a cold one in hell. You just kinda irritated me a little because, at best, you normally just say terrible this or terrible that. Also, you strike me as a chap who listens to music only because it's cool, so why would I take offence from someone like you? As if......