i play everything from 50s jazz to 60s rock to 70s punk, 80s alternative, 90s grunge, 2000 experimental. I've mostly been doing album sides lately. Last week I did side 3 of Trout Mask Replica, side 1 of Friend Opportunity, side 1 of Int'l Submarine Band's Safe at Home, some Roland Kirk, and some from Raccooo-oo-oon's Behold Secret Kingdom. Usually I just bring in stuff from home that are kind of my favorite albums of the moment.
I think tonight I'm bringing: Dylan/Band Basement Tapes, Nick Lowe's Jesus of Cool, The Yardbirds' Greatest Hits, Exile on Main St., VU, Television's The Blow-Up, and possibly the Raccoons thing again.
Ever notice how this place just basically, well, sucks.