07.03.2007, 07:04 PM
invito al cielo
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Portland OR
Posts: 4,300
Wednesday, July 4th, 2007, for the second year in a row, Ricardo Wang revives his post-punk no wave extravaganza No Skinny Ties from it's dormant days as a bi-weekly KAOS program to a powerful annual KPSU show to be reckoned with!
4-6 PM Pacific Time (That's 7-9 PM in Lexington and Concord!)
(covering for the Guitar Shop, and yes, oh yes, there will be lots of guitar oriented rock!)
or on the Good Old Fashioned Radio:
1450 AM Portland OR/Vancouver WA metro area
98.3 FM Portland State University campus
No Skinny Ties ran on alternating weeks on KAOS FM in Olympia from 1995-2003 and featured underground rock and independent noise from the 1980s and occasionally before. This one hour broadcast will feature some of the best of that timed to fit while you fire up the barbeque this July 4th. Of course we'll focus on American bands given the holiday, so expect bursts of sonic freedom from the likes of the Wipers, X, Sonic Youth, Steve Fisk, the Melvins, the Minutemen, Mission of Burma, Pere Ubu, U-men and more.
Tune in or move to Russia dammit!
