*opens up with a ridiculously long guitar solo*
Okay, so now that that is out of the way,
let's keep all the Dino Jr talk here... for sanity's sake. Also this will give us the justification to attack any newcomer for their ignorance of this rather noodley thread. Sounds like fun, right? All I ask is that you inform them of this thread and encourage them to take whatever discussion here. This being said, I refuse to be held accountable if some twat makes a Dinosaur Jr thread anyways (were all looking at you, Buzzo

I'm just trying to help everyone out.
Also feel free to come in here and vent about how you don't get how people can like them, just don't be too big of a douche and remember that you can still easily avoid this thread.
Have I got the bases covered?
So I guess I'll start off the convo...
Name your favorite J Mascis guitar solo. For me, "Don't." There's no fucking around there. Distortion, screaming, one long-ass psychedelic solo. Yes, I even love how it gets pathetic towards the end.