Originally Posted by fishmonkey
"What is the Fascination with Mascis and Dino Jr on this board???"
i have been asking myself this question for a long time now, just never had the balls to make a thread out of it.
i'm not trendy enough to be a Dino-bore Jr fan.
hahah! I am so sorry fich monkey but you have just uttered the single most unbelievably moronic falsehood I have ever heard! Dinosaur Jr TRENDY? Liking them is TRENDY????? FUCK! In absolutely no way is a VERY VERY belated acknowledgement of the quality of a band from TWENTY YEARS AGO in any way TRENDY!!!
I am sorry, I apologize. It is just that to a dinosaur jr fan since 1987, when only around 250 thousand people in the entire country gave a flying fuck about dinosaur jr, the idea that liking them would in any way ever be trendy would have been a PIPE DREAM!!!!!