okay, finally heard this today.
had some surprisingly good parts, reeeeeeeally weird parts too, but man.. i'll be damned if most of it didn't do anything for me.
just like every other qotsa album: i'm glad it exists, but i'm not going to go out of my way to listen to it.
qotsa seem to have a big problem in the songwriting department. josh seems to want to do waaaaaaaaaaaay too much. that's why i prefer the self-titled album.. it has a few eccentric parts, but it doesn't have 700 instruments piled on top of a fucking midtempo stoner jam. i think that's what made songs for the deaf their last good album: it had just straight-up guitar jams on it, which is what qotsa excel at. when they pile on 50 keyboards, theramines, bongos, and all that bullshit, it just doesn't sound .. it just doesn't sound good when they could just be playing balls-out rock, which is what everyone wants. lullabies had waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much of this bullshit instead of piling on the rock. this one seems to have a bit less, and the parts with way too much going on are all distorted and muddy to give the appearance of them rocking out. but yeah.
i also noticed that all the singles qotsa release are pretty just straight-up rock oriented. nothing too weird for thier singles. then you get their album and there's drum machines and 70 tracks of a guitar going "wickle wickle wahhhhhhhh".
they're just a pretty boring band, which is sad, because i really really want to like them.