Originally Posted by !@#$%!
sure, we all have read death in venice. however--the problem is that pedophiles can inflict irreparable damage upon a child or teenage person, unlike consenting non-vanilla adults. now, i think the term "pedophile" is often ignorantly abused. these are pedophiles. old geezers who do the nasty with young supermodels aren't-- they are just rich.
That's a good point, people use 'pedophile' very freely I find. NAMBLA is just rediculous.
Haha, I love the picture green mind. The background I've had with women involved people constantly calling me a pedophile, which caused me to think about it more. We had slight age differences, that's all, but the maturity levels were different so people called me this for a while.
When I was 14, I went out with a 17 year old, and nobody said anything about this. Later on I went out with a 15 year old when I was 17, and people call it 'disgusting'? But then I met a girl that was 12, although I didn't know she was that age, and yeah, that did it. She looked older.
Haha, they even came up with this witty pun. Instead of calling me by "robin", they would call me "cradle robin".
42 and 19 is decent too if she feels really confident about it. She's nearly fully mature at least