martin rev and alan vega. suicide live in hamburg 1978.

martin rev and alan vega formed
suicide in 1971. they obviously found their inspiration in the likes of velvet underground and silver apple, but even more obviously they influenced and imbued the new and upcoming generations of psychedelic punks in music, style and attitude: wire, television, the 39 clocks, the jesus and marychain, deutsch-amerikanische freundschaft, soft cell, spacemen 3 and many more of course.
martin rev and
alan vega still seem to walk this earth.
12 days after their legendary riot gig in brussels suicide visited hamburg on the 28th of june 1978 for a very short concert. only four tracks of an
audience recording seem to have survived throughout all those years: here is a second generation copy of that tape.
you may listen to adorable versions of
- rocket usa
- cheree
- harlem
- 96 tears
in rather airless sound quality.
(21 and a half minutes: mp3 with 224 kbps)
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