Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
attila csihar is what makes mayhem for me, i'm interested to hear the new record now that he's back in the fold.
anyway, i don't understand why bone awl have been picked up by the noise scene over any other particular BM band
a) yeah, i love attila; same here, i want to hear the new album. he's fantastic.
b) because of prurient, of course, dom seems to champion them a lot. i found them a bit meh, just a bunch of badly recorded discharge riffs with shrieky vocals
Originally Posted by MellySingsDoom
The Emperor album "Anthems To The Welken At Dusk" is classic in all fronts, both warm and occluded.
yes, i agree, it's not so much black metal but it has a charm all of it's own.
as far as the topic on hand; i've been listening to watain quite a bit lately, their new album is really good, i'll be seeing them on the 25th.