Originally Posted by !@#$%!
-divs are easy to handle when you know the broken box model w/ the -padding applied differently to some browsers. fixable w/ box hack or by nesting.
yeah, I use nesting quite a bit. I find having position: absolute very difficult to do proper aligning, so I usually just use floats.
-the unspecified size is great! you can make sliding doors to reveal more of -the background as you expand-- like wikipedia does. i use that for buttons.
If it's a 1024x768 background image, and on a 800x600 monitor, it expands the window size to include the whole image. It can sometimes be a tricky one! You can't make it 100% / 100%
-flash is in over 95% of computers! watchu talking about willis?
Installing flash plugins on Linux's firefox doesn't work half the time. It would be nice to be bundled with OS's.
however, my #1 web gripe is:
followed by...
-you cannot define the with of a element by a combination of units, such as width: 80%-20px
-we can't yet "lend" fonts to browsers, so we're basically stuck with verdana and georgia for decent-looking fonts that work cross-platform.
-i agree w/ the floats, positioning as well...
-the ones who make decisions about the web are not the experts but ignorant morons with money!!
Good call on the valigns, absolutly right about that. I also think CSS should have a "corner radius" attribute for divs. And right on with the fonts. It would be neat if as well as the information and stylesheet, a font can be pinged from the web server and you can just 'temporarily' use it. Verdana's pretty much all I use