05.15.2007, 03:07 PM
invito al cielo
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: mars attacks
Posts: 42,683
Originally Posted by luxinterior
Well I was at my dad's, watching a movie downstairs, and I hear a sound coming from my brother's room (which is also downstairs), so I go in and I see the shadow of someone (through the blinds covering the window) trying repeatedly to open the window...well I ran like hell upstairs to my room, locked the door, and called my dad at work. In the meantime, I keep hearing strange noises coming from the basement, so I figure that whoever it was actually came inside the house and was walking around. Once my dad got there, we both went downstairs and I told him what happened. He opened the blinds on the one window and saw that the screen had been knocked out, but the window was locked. He checked the second window in the room and it was unlocked, and partly opened. We both went around the rest of the house, armed with golf clubs, checking all the doors and hiding places and everything. We didn't find anything else out of the ordinary. My dad left, and I left shortly after that and now I'm at my mom's.
you guys didnt call the cops??????????????
you think stalker or junkie??