Originally Posted by sarramkrop
To change the subject slightly, what do people think of the fluxus movement? I have mixed feelings towards it. Some artists like Geoffrey Hendricks or Paul Sharits are pure rubbish, but Al Hansen or Charlotte Moorman i don't mind so much.
my favourite fluxus artists are nam june paik, dick higgins, joseph beuys and la monte young. i'm not 100% sure of what artists are considered fluxus and which aren't, but what i really appreciate and admire about the above artists is that they explored intergrating different medias into their work, from paik's video stuff, young's minimalism stuff w/ terry riley and steve reich, the performance art of beuys etc etc... due to this i think there are a huge amount of people that you could consider "fluxus" from people ranging from john cage to charles olsen. an interesting "movement" to say the least anyway.
I quite like the entire fluxus movement and
most of the artists associated with it. I particularly like Nam June Paik and all of the work that he has done with Charlotte Moorman. I think we need an artist to do for computers what Paik did for the television.
and speaking of Moorman... I recieved the Charlotte Moorman/Paik Tv Cello double LP as a birthday gift from a friend and its brilliant... I admire her alot, and want to buy her cello anthology, but I just cant justify spending $135 on it right now... or any album for that matter.