Originally Posted by sarramkrop
I agree with Washing Machine to an extent. If a work of art has any merit, it should be able to stand on its own legs whichever the scale it is being shown on, but this poses the problem of one not being able to see from very close the way it has been produced or its intended visual impact.
you can certainly dicuss the subject matter of a work of art in those terms; however, the merits of a work of art can be lost in translation during the process of commercial reproduction and distribution.
looking at a photo of chartres cannot possibly compare to standing in the middle of that cathedral, just like pornographic photos have very little to do with the experience of sex acts. you can judge photos as photos (that's a great photo of chartres, that's a great porn picture), but not as the things they whose image they attempt to reproduce, i.e. you can't say that a porn picture is "a great orgasm".

^^ and i mean this picture with all of its intended french puns
Originally Posted by sarramkop
Music is another kettle of fish, because it is produced mainly for home consumption in a version that is equal for everyone, therefore its live version might differ greatly or even better it.
the album and the live version are two different things altogether; while in the earlier times of recording an album was considered a "copy" of the original, advances in technology and cultural changes especially in popular music have come to revert the issue, where often the recorded piece is perceived as the original and the live performance an interpretation of it.
i'd love to stay & chat more but i have to shave & get going to some sunday lunch thing.