05.09.2007, 01:34 AM
expwy. to yr skull
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Experimental Luthier Yuri Landman Introduces the Moodswinger
Dutch experimental luthier Yuri Landman has created an instrument known as the Moodswinger that promises to expand the sonic palette of string players. Technically not a guitar but an electric zither, the instrument is a further exploration of the third bridge design that, in addition to the two traditional fixed bridges (nut and standard bridge), incorporates a means by which a third bridge is introduced by placing a metal object under the strings between the two fixed bridges, as in Lee Ranaldo and Thurston Moore of Sonic Youth's use of a screwdriver as a third bridge.
In 2006, Landman, who, in addition to an experimental luthier is also a comic book artist, illustrator, musician, singer, graphic designer and furniture designer, built the first 12-string Moodswinger for Aaron Hemphill of Liars. Unlike an electric guitar, the pickup and electronics are built into the neck instead of the body, and, according to Wikipedia, "In contrast to its predecessors [third bridge instruments], the Moodswinger is more focused on an easy non-atonal playing technique. A mathematical scale is added to specify 23 harmonic positions on the strings. Because the 12 strings are tuned in a circle of fourths, it's always possible to play every note of the equal tempered scale. However some positions have a + or - indication, because the equal tempered scale is not a perfect well tempered scale."
 Yuri Landman's Moodswinger
Landman is currently building a Moodswinger for Lee Ranaldo of Sonic Youth.
The following Wikipedia entries are recommended for more information about Yuri Landman, the Moodswinger, and third bridge instruments.
Yuri Landman on Wikipedia
Moodswinger on Wikipedia
third bridge instruments on Wikipedia