Originally Posted by swa(y)
i can admit when im off base...
i appologized to you one time when i was being an asshole, and admitted i was wrong in some of the language i used towards you.
however, i dont think anything i said in this thread has been "wrong" or "offensive" in nature.
Of course that is up to each individual to decide, not you, as you are the one saying it.
And the apology you are referring to is from the time you called me a cunt, among plenty of other things, which is just name-calling and has nothing to do with whatever we were arguing about before all that happened, which I cannot even remember anymore anyway.
I know I have repped you before, probably just once, but I think that goes to show that I try not to hold grudges outside of threads. I disagree with you in this thread, and I will continue to do so, but outside of this thread, it is like a clean slate to me. Please do not get the idea that I actually hate you, or some other nonsense, because I will pretty much give you a fair chance in every thread you post in. Unless suddenly every thread is about a gay hate crime bill, which they are not.