What are you cats doing at this hour?
I've ran and felt like wheels to go nowhere (though suggested to go pick up a bong- too far) I've arrived back at home- a little gone on a mix of jager and cheap (glenmore) vodka--- the day before this one- yesterday as u may know it- had me in a state of experimentation with a pharmecutical known as 'BENEDRIX' (the spelling may be wrong). If i may lay words of experince-- it's not that great. I'd wake up every hour having to piss and then find myself awakening from a black out on the bathroom floor.
I'm not pooling for sympathy or anything like that here- if anything i'd actually like to establish a concrete conversationon such things---- the misuse for the body-vibe-pluses of pharmacuticals.
Despite what my venture (last night and this morning- wailing and waking collapsed in the middle of my room) may say I'm just asking if anyone else here has tried any of the 'cvs highs' as I call them- the stuff you can get for legality- over do and feel regret about later? Maybe not regret- but so far dexxin and benedrixin have just left me feeling ignorant. And now that i think about it- ignorance seems right (not right as in 'good for you' but right as referring to the many and heavy downfalls these kinds of high present- and how you don't anticipate them til they occure).
So, um-- discuss?