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Old 04.13.2007, 01:10 AM   #1
hey alex
the end of the ugly
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Join Date: Mar 2006
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hey alex kicks all y'all's asseshey alex kicks all y'all's asseshey alex kicks all y'all's asseshey alex kicks all y'all's asseshey alex kicks all y'all's asseshey alex kicks all y'all's asseshey alex kicks all y'all's asseshey alex kicks all y'all's asseshey alex kicks all y'all's asseshey alex kicks all y'all's asseshey alex kicks all y'all's asses
What are you cats doing at this hour?

I've ran and felt like wheels to go nowhere (though suggested to go pick up a bong- too far) I've arrived back at home- a little gone on a mix of jager and cheap (glenmore) vodka--- the day before this one- yesterday as u may know it- had me in a state of experimentation with a pharmecutical known as 'BENEDRIX' (the spelling may be wrong). If i may lay words of experince-- it's not that great. I'd wake up every hour having to piss and then find myself awakening from a black out on the bathroom floor.

I'm not pooling for sympathy or anything like that here- if anything i'd actually like to establish a concrete conversationon such things---- the misuse for the body-vibe-pluses of pharmacuticals.

Despite what my venture (last night and this morning- wailing and waking collapsed in the middle of my room) may say I'm just asking if anyone else here has tried any of the 'cvs highs' as I call them- the stuff you can get for legality- over do and feel regret about later? Maybe not regret- but so far dexxin and benedrixin have just left me feeling ignorant. And now that i think about it- ignorance seems right (not right as in 'good for you' but right as referring to the many and heavy downfalls these kinds of high present- and how you don't anticipate them til they occure).

So, um-- discuss?
Duran Duran's 1995 covers album Thank You was recently voted the worst album of all time by a Q magazine poll. Although we respectfully disagree (Sonic Youth's NYC Ghosts & Flowers is clearly the worst album of all time) -Pitchfork (hahahah!)

Here's a myspace of my music and 4-track ramblings
the electric kites--the jamz of me n my friends
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