one of my very favorite albums of '06 was the extraordinaire metal music machine by jazkamer, i also mentioned on the heaviest bands thread a couple of weeks ago because it's one of the only albums i have ever had that makes me blink from the sheer ferocity of the playing, it's really an amazing piece of music and, unlinke so many critics, i do think it has a direct link with lou reeds metal machine music (i have to really sit down and focus to get my ideas straight and write about the album, i'll link whatever i write on my zine/blog when it's done)
in the meantime, i thought i'd like to dedicate the thread to the norwegian noisers who spawned the album, jazkamer, the original and noisier jazzkammer and, above all, one of the best persons to get associated with the scene, lasse marhaug, a man aaron dilloway calls "his favorite collaborator", and all his projects.
love lasse baby