Originally Posted by saoq
since it's in greek i'll translate the important stuff
Mudhoney @ Gagarin 205, Athens
the club is called "GAGARIN 205"
address: Liosi'on* 205, Athens
ticket: 27eu
phone: 210.8547600-1
time 21:00
(* this means the accent should be on the 2nd i, smth like "leeosEEon")
presale: Tickethouse, Metropolis, Clipart, Jinx
unfortunatelly I live in salonica. there's a tickethouse office here though; they also sell tickets online. let me know if you need other info like hostels in athens or anything else.
dude we're going to be in Thesalloniki first, and then go to Athens. probably we sould even meet each other? we are coming to Thesalloniki by train, and what i need to know is about transport from there to Athens. buses, trains, etc. and prices, and are there daily transport to take us to Athens and stuff. i don't think we need info on hostels and stuff now, we are ok with that now, but i still have no clue about how we're going to go from Salonica ot Athena

does these online ticksales send tickets to other contries?