im sure this sit he 1000th dream thread but youll get over it.
So in my dream i was on this big stage and it was sort of modeling thing, i was wearing this skin tight orange cat suit thing and break dancing on the floor.
Everyone was like oh i see what your doing here, your so thin and like a skellington...all around me there were buff men being dressed up to look nice, i end up being at the back of the room, and carson the gay guy from queer eye was putting this large leather jacket on me saying i looked fabulous in it with the cat then the curtains open and hugh jackman and all these other famous people are in the crowd.
So i walk out and say in a strong ilatian accent "fuck seriously..fuck you!!" and hugh jackman cracks up laughing and everyone is shocked and doesnt know what to do, and then i run off stage to the back room and im laughing the whole time.
I then pop my head out the side door and watch the stage as the other acts come on, and because of me being a bad ass, its turned everyone into a bad ass too and there is this guy dressed as jesus singing some song about fucking your mom