They are fucking pissing me off, not because of the gay bashing. I can deal with that, but for picketing a soldiers funeral. Ah I fucking hate them, they even show where they will picket, fucking bastards, these are not truly the people of god. How can you do that to a family who just lost their son or daughther. I don't usually say this, but I hope one of their sons die. I will be happy if that where to happen. If one of them died I would be happy, this family obviously lived in the outskirt of society, to come up with such a dimwit view of religion. I also hope that one of them comes out to be gay, or it is found out that the father or the leader is a child molester. I would be happy, and gladly spit in his face. AH FUCKEN SHIT ASSHOLES. Sorry I needed to vent out, I don't agree with doing the army and all tht bullshit. Or the war, but to picket a soldier's funeral is just despicable.