I think grime/rap music (they may as well be the same thing for this argument) does influence the behaviour of many listeners. I mean, have you seen the way youths who listen to gangster rap tend to use gangster rap slang (even when its laughably inappropriate)? or the way they dress in the same clothes as their favourite rappers (even if they look ludicrous)? Surely this is an example of being influenced by the music/performers (albeit harmlessly)?
Now I'm not saying that a gentle, pleasant human is likely to listen to NWA and suddenly become a ruthless gangbanger; yet the music could make him more aggressive (i.e., shout at his parents more), thrust his shoulders in an exaggerated manner when he walks, and have an obsession with being 'respected' (this is all, if he doesn't have the brains to listen to the lyrics with a sense of detachment, like we do because we're mint). .
Let's face it, most young people (not SY fans) are idiots. Look at the majority of your classmates if you're in school, or look at them on the street if you're not: they're impressionable mongs, who will copy anyone they deem 'cool' (and their critera for what is cool is fairly strange; with gangster rap, its usually anyone who scowls a lot and hates women). It’s not only grime/rap music though. Loads of idiots from the local collage are wearing neckerchiefs and frilly clothes, to look like the The Horrors or Russell Brand or someone...