And I'm avoiding all the "religion themed" works my teacher made us draw.
these are taken from that other thread about "time capsules" porky started:
"I was a really wise/disillusioned boy :
the light-blue bird in the cage : "I want freedom!"
he's free, roaming the wilderness, a monster scares him : " I think it's safer to go and live in the city."
he gets run over by a car on a city street : "Maybe the cage is an even better choice..."
so sad, so true.
this is my take on war back when I was 5/6.
Notice how bad "they" are, trying to hit the (colorless, i think i did not have a yellow crayon) sun with cannonballs.
Please post your contributions, I don't want to turn this thread into a personal exhibition of my old drawings

... but perhaps it's too late.