Originally Posted by nicfit
Me : " Drink & drive?"
GG : "No, Dungeons & Dragons... I chopped 2 fingers off this guy's left hand while live roleplaying."
RLRP (real life role playing) makes me laugh and laugh and laugh.
as a geek who is hopelessly addicted to World of Warcraft, I never cease to be amused by people who feel the need to take things further.
my strangest conversation was with a demon-possesed heroin junkie who had just finished shooting up 5 year old morphine into her arms. her dirty feet and the giant purple goose-eggs the morphine left weren't even the most shocking thing about her.
Angie: "Gibby is the biggest queen I've ever met"
me: "not so shocking"
Angie: "I'm gross, I like to do gross things"
me: "oh....really?"
Angie: "last month I was in chicago with Trent Reznor and we had a murder party. someone called the cops and we told them that it was a video shoot but we were really performing a black magic ritual"
me: "oh....really?"
she then went on and on for hours about how Alan Jorgenson (from Ministry) was a lot older than anyone knew and that he hid his true age with black magic.
by the end of it all, I ran out of my apartment and left her there. I was convinced she was sent by the devil.
this would have been really easy to write off as the drugs talking if she didn't really know all those people (she was the girlfriend of Mike Scacia who played (still plays?) for Ministry).