I was talking to my friend Mike and he asked me if I've had any bad experiences with guys ..I told him that I did and asked him how he knew that, he said it's because I'm bi. Apparantly in his experience most girls who are bi have had bad experiences with guys at an early age.
So basically I think that it has to do with things that happen early in life in some cases, could be genetics in others, could be a lot of things. I'm a very strong supporter of gay rights and the like, and whenever I see someone being made fun of for being gay it makes me very upset (I just found this out because I saw it on a TV show/movie a in health). It also pisses me off when I see displays of homophobia in school, one time we were talking about Romeo & Juliet and Shakespeare times in English, and about how there were no actresses and someone (whom I really hated prior to this, and now hate even more) blurted out "EW SO A GUY ACTUALLY HAD TO KISS ANOTHER GUY?? GROSSS." Then a bunch of other people started saying things that I would expect a 4th grader to say, and my friend Stephanie (whom I love dearly for this) said something about them being stupid and immature.
You could be walking down the street and anyone could be gay, but you (in most cases) wouldn't know it because they're just like everyone else. People who say that "all gays have AIDs" are ignorant, and the ones who think that all the gays are going to try to rape them are full of themselves, although that has happened, it's also happened with straights so it's hypocritical.
I guess that's it for my rant~