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Old 02.07.2007, 10:43 AM   #18
Savage Clone
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Savage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's assesSavage Clone kicks all y'all's asses
Originally Posted by Dead-Air
I like them, and could give a fuck about their religion since they don't pepper their music or lyrics with it. Mormonism is a cult that people get born into and have a hard time getting out of, a lot like Scientology, because even moreso than traditional religion, they were built with that specifically in mind.

Well, every religion is a cult, really. Some are just larger than others.

Low's brand of Mormonism is pretty damn modern in any case; they are not what I would refer to as "uptight" or "conservative" people in the least. And yes, they keep it to themselves and their music is not "message music" for their religion, so who cares really? Total agreement there.

They are a fine band. I was really into them when they first came out, and living in this area I have gotten to see them quite a few times. I also was lucky enough to share a studio with their (longtime, now former) bassist Zak Sally for a number of years, and thus got to see what a fantastic visual artist and comics genius he is.
Check out Zak's publishing company; well worth it. I get everything he puts out, and have yet to be disappointed. I highly recommend Zak's book "Recidivist." The William Schaff portfolio package is a thing of beauty as well.

La Mano Press
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