Here are some songs I'm thinking of playing:
Eddie Murphy- Party All the Time
Tones on Tail- Go!
Corey Hart- Sunglasses at Night
Outkast- Hey Ya!
David Bowie- Golden Years
Rocky Horror Picture Show- Time Warp (I was thinking I could have my one of my sisters or a friend get on a platform and show everyone how to time warp)
New Order- Bizarre Love Triangle
And the groom's favorite band is Pink Floyd. I was thinking it might be cool to remix the funky part at the end of Echoes into a dance track. Or maybe do Us and Them as a slow dance song.
I'm also thinking I could sneak some Pink Floyd into the dinner music. Some of their slower stuff. That would be a gateway to get some other stuff in. Like some John Cale, Scott Walker, Nick Drake, etc mixed in with all the Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin type stuff.
For Nirvana I was thinking maybe Drain You or Son of a Gun. Because they are both sort of upbeat for Nirvana songs.