best of luck man,
hope all goes well for ya.
my band recently broke up and i was in my local boozer the other night and i hollered to the bar-lady.. "Hey ______(<- her name here) what band is playing here tonight" she said "No band, they cancelled" to which i said "aww shit!!! i hate when bands start to pull that shite, cancelling at the last minute and leaving the publician with all that crap" she said "yeah Jerry, its a pisser alright... it was your band"
this made me very depressed but hey! i was in a pub so like all irishmen do when they are depressed... i sought the answer from down the bottom of a pint glass.
"Pescescimmia ha grandi bulbi oculari blu, ognuno attaccato su un lato della sua testa, in modo tale da risucire a guardare indietro senza girare la sua testa pesciosa"