right. as kegmama said "if you've only heard nirvana's commercial releases you haven't really heard them at all" or somat like that. anyway, i have a decent collection of nirvana boots, all of them cdr's and dvdrs of shows from LN, not copies of silver disc bootlegs but transfers from the AUD or SBD tapes. So in almost every case they are better quality than the bootlegs and there are a shitoon more shows available. i
so we should all get together and share and trade our boots so we can all get the shows we want. personally, i just want to finish my nirvana collection once and for all! i'm sure a lot of you would want some of the shows I have, so I'll upload the most requested ones or trade for them or do a B&P.
so everyone should have a look at
http://www.nirvanaguide.com and
http://www.livenirvana.com and their own collections and post lists of the shows they have and the shows they want. i'm gonna start making a list cataloging my collection and then post it.
check back soon and i'll post a list of my shows. the ones that the most people want could be uploaded or torrented on onemoresolo.