Thread: Dropping out...
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Old 01.03.2007, 12:31 PM   #1
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I've kindof decided to drop out of uni. But I don't know if I'm just being a tempestuous teenager throwing the toys out of my pram.... Will I regret it? Did any of you drop out. Help!

I'm leaving 'cause:
1. My uni is ABSOLUTELY RAM PACKED with arseholes.
2. The place is a shithole and there is absolutely nothing to do.
3. I miss London like crazy when I'm there... all my friends and things to do, even just general atmosphere.
4. There is nothing lonelier than spending all day having only spoken to librarians. This has happened to me more than once. Perhaps it is my own fault, but I'd rather be a lonely old cunt than talk to the people there. And I really don't want to be a lonely old cunt.
5. The very thought of going back there scares the shit out of me because I don't know if I can cope with being that miserable again.

BUT I do really like the course and I enjoy doing the work, etc.

Meh, I'm seriously waffling and don't really know why I think posting this is going to help me in any way, but I'm completely crap at making decisions so ANY advice would be much appreciated.
I think if kissing someone could make them pregnant
the last person I kissed would have had their kid by now...
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