Originally Posted by Glice
Jandek is a good call, although his guitar sounds more like he's left it in the baking sun for the summer than he's deliberately changed the tuning.
That may be how his guitar
sounds, but in the only interview he's ever given, to John Trubee in the '80s, he clearly states that the way he tunes his guitar is completely intentional.
Another artist (arguably "band" as his sound by himself can get bigger than some groups) who does work with a guitar that should appeal to most Sonic Youth fans is Seattle's
Bill Horist. He does shit where it looks like he's literally torturing his guitar with all manner of implements, and yet it comes out sounding downright pretty.
Also, I'm guessing that PA's
King Kong Ding Dong must use alternate tunings, just on how weird the guitar often sounds. They've got a pretty obvious SY influence going on as well.