Originally Posted by gmku
The only peril I know is not being able to get your coffee fix.
Coffee has this whole stigma that I love. I love hiding behind some ladeda drink of the hard working common folk image. I love a cup in the morning to get me going and it's the most wonderful thing in the world to choose between mocha and latte and cappachino and expresso, come on, admit it.. It's a load of pompus shite, and I love it. It sure beats a good cuppa tea. I like coffee in the morning and coffee in the afternoon, is that coffee in the afternoon, you say?? If it were not for coffee, many things would never get done. Some of the greatest leaders in the world have gotten things done because of coffee. Coffee is for doers, tea is for slackers. Is that coffee in the afternoon, you say? Ja, ja, sehr gutt... more coffee, Mein Fuhrer? Coffee also makes my brain work better.
thats fair funny man
i'll give you one thing i am a tea lovin slacker.
coffee must make you funny too 
"Pescescimmia ha grandi bulbi oculari blu, ognuno attaccato su un lato della sua testa, in modo tale da risucire a guardare indietro senza girare la sua testa pesciosa"