This is all 25 tracks of John Oswald's CD Plunderphonic, which was destroyed
in 1990 by the Canadian Recording Industry Association. For more information, please see the excellent
official plunderphonic site, which also contains the CD tracks in pristine, uncompressed file formats.
This is streamed mp3 shockwave audio, which is compressed, but as you will hear, still sounds very good. So, it takes less time to download, and, if you have a fast enough computer and connection, you can listen to it as it loads. Most of it is 128bps so you may have trouble with it on a 'slow' connection. If so, you can also directly download each file below, and then even convert it to something else and play with it.
We could give you aiff's, but then it would take 10 times as long to download - and take up ten times as much space on the hard drive - and, that's already offered on the
plunderphonic site!
Note: It costs us quite a bit of money to afford the bandwidth so that we can offer these files to you. Please consider a donation. Thanx for your support!