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Old 04.19.2006, 05:08 AM   #11
little trouble girl
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Allentown, PA
Posts: 32
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not having a tv kind of puts you off it for life. I've only had tv about half of my life and i honestly never miss it.

elementary school: never got to really play with lots of kids other than my sister because my parents moved so often that i went to 5 different schools between the ages of 6 and 10. got myself kicked out of the one private school i went to. i'll never forget my mom telling them off though.

junior high: same as everyone i imagine. general moping and awkwardness. had to spend much of 8th grade in a wheelchair from a knee injury. that was pretty enlightening in retrospect.

high school: living in a hippieish city at that point and my high school was over-crowded = we had an open campus (aka we could leave during a free period and they wouldn't chase you down the street), so i got perhaps a bit more freedom than some people in small towns. went to class about 80 % of the time, participated in my share of idealist activism/righteous change the world shit (conveniently a lot of protests were during school hours), had my fair share of drugs + rock n' roll, lost my virginity, snuck out and got caught--a lot. started working for people not my family at age 15. but i graduated.

started college at 17, i guess that was still my teen years but a totally different world. no amount of jobs, apartment leases and loans has made me feel like an adult though...still waiting for that
There's no money in poetry, but then there's no poetry in money either. --RG
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