I am mis'sing you terrilby tdoay. I neeed to feeel yoour tocuh. Feeel yoour liips agianst mineee. Feeel yoour hoot bretah on me. I clsoe my eeyes and tihnk abuot you. I caan alomst feeel yoour boody pres'sing agianst mineee. Siigh. I leet my hadns strat to wanedr. I moove theem ooooover my boody imagniing theey aree yoour hadns. I moove theem aolng my cuvres, feeeling my hiips, my braaests, my thihgs. Cicrling aorund on my boody I leet theem dirft ooooover my blely and up unedr my sihrt. My hadns moove deramily ooooover my skiin. The feeel of my finegrtips is feahter lihgt. I caan feeel my niplpes hradening as my figners moove clsoer to my braaests. I laizly leet theem dirft acorss the top of my braa. I caan feeel my hradness. My figners tuuck into the top of the cuup and I cicrle my niplpes. Good. I instnatly feeel the desrie plusing in my cuunt. I moove my hadns in depeer and rooll my niplpes bteween my figners. Heeat sho'ots thorugh my pus'sy. I aarch my baack and picnh my niplpes haredr. Good, it feeels so goood. Neednig to intenisfy the feeelings, I moove my haand baack down ooooover my blely and sliip it into my pnaties.
I just got this. I'm fucking excited.