Just for the record, in the U.S. pretty much any creative use of sampling is illegal. There used to be a loophole that let you use less than 8 beats or something, but no more. Any sample, any length, no matter how manipulated is infringement. If a record company can fiigure it out (and they employ people whose job is to find uncleared samples) they have every legal right to stop you, even if you're not making money. Hell some people (DJ Z-Trip) get stopped even when they offer to give ALL the profits to the artists being sampled
On to samples from TV: pretty much impossible. You have to clear through so many people (the studio, the production company, the person who said it, probably an audio engineer and an editor, and oh yeah, if it was scripted, the writer, too) that it becomes virtually impossible except for the most well funded major label acts (ie platinum rappers)
That being said, I make sample based music and do it without clearing anything (TV or music or broadcast or guerilla). You don't have a lot to worry about until you get noticed, and no one in the industry really notices much except money. My suggestion: just do it as a form of public protest against our current draconian copyright laws.