You wouldn't believe the number of people at my school who, to try and get on my "good side", pretend to like sonic youth (or any random thing that I enjoy) despite not knowing any of their songs.
One friend of mine had a pet squirrell once, and kept it in a cage inside her house. It would just screech and rattle its cage all day. She told me about this, and then said, "Come to think of it, it's sounds like a Sonic Youth song." I don't file this under "stupid comments about sonic youth" because she does enjoy them sometimes, and I have heard the squirrell and it is a justifiable comparison, depending on the song.
The summer before my sophomore year of high school, I went to my first SY concert. When school started, I was telling one of my friends about the concert in homeroom one day. She then made what has become my most hated comment of all time: "I think you're lying. If 'Sonic Youth' were a real band, I would have heard about them. I haven't heard of anything that you listen to, and I know you're making it all up." When I finally made a mix for her to listen to (to prove that Sonic Youth were not a fabrication of my mind), she said, "It's too repetitive. It's the same thing over and over and over again. The songs were too long." And I'm thinking, you know, as far as length goes, I didn't even put The Diamond Sea on there.....what the heck is she talking about....
Just today I was playing Sonic Youth in the car while taking my brother through the Taco Bell drive-thru when he told me that all of their songs sounded the same. He also does this thing where he likes to sing a Sinatra-style version of Kool Thing, which is just him singing his own lyrics "It's a Kool Thing, yeah yeah, a Kool Thing, yeah yeah" to a tune that is not present in the actual song, while snapping his fingers.
Another friend of mine (who has not already been mentioned) went to see the band with me that first time, and I could tell she didn't enjoy herself, and afterward she complained that there were too many noise breaks, etc. Nevertheless, she bought one of the shirts they were selling, and wears it all the time even though she doesn't actually like the band. She pretends to--either because she thinks it will make me like her more, or because she's figured out that no, I am not the only one who likes the band, and yes, some people do think they are "cool." She does this with the Stooges and the Clash t-shirts too. It's kind of repulsive.
"I sweat like a fucking nun on Sunday...I don't even know what that means."
- Sebastian Bach