11.29.2006, 06:52 AM
expwy. to yr skull
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Bulgaria
Posts: 1,223
finally we're gonna kick some artsy-fartsy ass and some people should literally feel it from the behind! here is the first demo outtake from the upcoming KPD-0. 'Waver (sys skicnik)' comes up yr earlobes with the kind help of Bohata, who taped us live while practicing and mastered a few tracks for us. biggest regards to him and Vasilena, we're sorry for the earache and wine loss we cause when we bash around the place. this DIY footage of KPD-0 playing the new stuff caught lots of the spirit ot the band! and it's not surprising at all: look at this guy!

the finger says it all!
check the KPD-0 page (www.myspace.com/koeficient) back for updates and new samples. stay tuned, i am going to put more demo outtakes taped by Bohata later.
...this is a rough mix of what we are planning to tape down a bit laterthis month, maybe even a bit better, in a bigger studio. it's still a surprise we don't want to break.
AND if someone could come up with a smart title for the instrumental track (different that 'Instrumental', you smart ass!) feel free to message me with ideas. if we like it you will get huge credits, a lolipop and a smile on the radio!

thanks to those who took from their time to listen and those who support us!
more funny shit will come in a post later, i feel groovy tonite.