One of the best, original psychedelic bands of the sixties. (Its rumored that they were the first to use the term psychedelic) They have some great records but are hardly ever mentioned except for record collectors.
This is music made to trip out to psychedelics to.
I love how the band has that electcic jug in their music, it give it a real uniqueness.I have to say i like Easter Everywhere the best.So many good, tripped out songs like "she lives in a time of her own", earthquake", "slide machine","nobody to love" ," slip inside this house" and "levitation". I also really like how they do a trippy version of Dylan's "its all over now baby blue".
I feel like this record is just a lost treasure waiting to be appreciated.
So any other fans out there? whats your favorite songs/album?
Most people only know them from their hit "you're gonna miss me" but that song is deceiving.Still a good song, but its more garage rock than psych.The debut record has some great songs on it like 'fire engine", "reverbaration" and "roller coaster".I dont like it as much as Easter though because i feel its more garage than psych overall.Easter is where they truly stepped into their own creative force.