yeah, so i hit the 100 post count just there, and to celebrate this most fufilling of achievements - here is the best of my posts so far - don't rip me for this, its just a cheap cash in but i need the money. might i remind you all that this is a simple exercise of self reflection, and if yu are gonna be the cool kid and bitch at me for this just don't bother, noones forcing you to read -
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08.30.2006, 12:56 AM
So,how old is too old then?
as long as they havent crusted over, they're ok for me
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08.30.2006, 12:57 AM
What Classes are you taking this year?
the class of lonelyness, unemployment and 6am strolls searching for sanity
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08.30.2006, 01:03 AM
Are we all retarded for the most part or is it just an impression?
the only thing that retards me is current mainstream culture, it dulls at my brain like a blunt knife smudging up rotting butter.
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08.30.2006, 01:15 AM
Are we all retarded for the most part or is it just an impression?
Originally Posted by Pookie
Metaphors are not your strong point. They're like sand rats swimming in the sea of literature.
Those sand rats sound pretty hot.
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08.30.2006, 01:13 AM
Stupid Library and Book Stores
librarys are dusty, they slow you down. everyone there looks kinda faded. everytime i ever went the people all look like they go home to strange, sexual deviance. in the new library in my town there is a little room were all the homeless and neglected elderlies go to read newspapers. i would skip school and read there, those were the days. desperately lonely, escaping into phillip k. dick. one time a dude kept lookin at me, he followed me outside when i went for a smoke. he looked like old piss. he grunted about going to get drunk down by the river, i did, he had no money so i bought him cheap wine. he told me about how his ex wife had fucked him over and left him for some other dude. he sounded gentle and helpless with her. he told me about his life. it seemed so grey and so overwhelmingly bleak and small, he had no dreams, not one aspiration or glimpse of anything beyond his everyday. he was just down and had this "oh well" attitude. i tried to spark some thoughts of oppurtunity and future in him but it wasnt happening. i can remember this image of him sitting in the rain, with the grey bleak sky beside the black murky river, just deadened.
few weeks later i heard that he was dead.
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08.30.2006, 01:24 AM
What The Fuck Are You Eating????
i'm eating what looks like a broken brownie leaking pasta sauce. it's not tho... my girlfriend... gotta go to the clinic tomoro... herpes... shame.
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well im bored of copy and pasting so i'll do the rest later