Um... Consider the decline of vinyl - most coloured vinyls come from the Czech Republic; the production values are very cheap. It's quite likely that, if they're 7"s, then there are very, very few places that do them anywhere now. Basically, if you're a band, it's not worth making 7"s unless you have enough money to sell more than 3,000-odd. In terms of the quality of the product, it's not going to last any length of time.
Have a look around on the internet for pressing plants that do coloured vinyl. It'll either be piss cheap and former soviet block, or extortionate and European/ American. Or, if you find this company in Australia that I don't seem to be able to find, somewhere inbetween. Cheap means skipping; expensive means non-skipping. Australian means something that isn't the same as vinyl, but operates in a very similar way.
*Edit - drunk post. I'll put this in coherent form tomorrow.
Message boards are the last vestige of the spent masturbator, still intent on wasting time in some neg-heroic fashion. Be damned all who sail here.
Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Last time I was in Chicago I spent an hour in a Nazi submarine with a banjo player.